Flowers fill bullet holes in the windows of the IV Deli in Isla Vista, California. A 22-year-old man began a mass killing near the University of California in Santa Barbara by stabbing three people to death, shooting bystanders while driving his BMW, and striking down at least one person before crashing following a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. Prior to the murders, videos were posted on YouTube declaring his intention to annihilate the girls who rejected him sexually and others in retaliation for his remaining a virgin at age 22. While research examining the connections between intimate partner violence (IPV), misogyny, and mass shootings is severely limited, analysis of recent mass shootings indicates shooters often had histories of IPV, stalking, or harassment. 2014.
David McNew was the first and only staff news photographer for Getty Images in the American Southwest from 2000 to 2010 and is now working as an independent freelance photojournalist. His work has appeared in major news publications and various other publications around the world.