A girl rides a kick scooter past a destroyed residential building in the village of Horenka, Kyiv region, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since the war broke out, more than 14 million people have been displaced from Ukraine, according to HAIS, 90% of whom are women and children. In their joint investigation with VOICE, HAIS found: “high risks of trafficking and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), as well as conflict related sexual violence, domestic violence, and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV). It revealed further protection concerns related to shelter and unsustainable housing (often heightening the risk of exploitive labor); a lack of access to livelihoods and cash-based assistance; and inconsistent access to reliable information. Overall, displaced persons throughout the region lack access to GBV services, reproductive healthcare, and psychosocial support services, and Roma and LGBTQ communities face additional discrimination and protection concerns.” 2022.
Sergei Chuzavkov is an Agence France-Press photographer who has been covering events in Ukraine for many years.