A young girl of Charam walks across the cracked dry earth of a small pond in the village of Uttar Pradesh, where many hand pumps run dry in hotter months. Residents used to grow lentils, mustard and other grains with the rainwater that fell amid forested hills that locals say were home to monkeys and wild pigs decades ago. Today, the district is a red and brown parched landscape. Many locals have stopped planting crops altogether; those who do plant just once a year, and residents walk ever greater distances to gather water. Climate change’s human toll is disproportionately felt by girls, and is linked with higher rates of gender-based violence, lower school attendance, and poor reproductive health outcomes. 2019.
Bryan Denton is an award-winning independent photojournalist based in Mexico City. He is a contributing photographer with the New York Times, where his work has focused on conflict, climate change, humanitarian issues, and political transition in the Middle East, the Americas, Africa, and Asia.